Monday, May 5, 2008

1. Why Astrology?

Necessity for the Study of Astrology
Various theories have been set up to discover the influences of planets upon the terrestrial phenomena. While some people admit the intimate relationship that exists betwixt the movements of those "mysterious intelligences" in the heavens and the fortunes and misfortunes of men, rise and fall of Empires, ebb and flow of human passions and the regeneration and degeneration of Arts, Sciences, Literature and Philosophy, there are others who always deny the existence of any sort of connection between the stars and the inhabitants of this earth. This attitude is due to the fact that they do not approach the subject with an unbiased and unprejudiced mind. Dispassionate inquiry alone can enable one to appreciate the truth behind any branch of knowledge. In any field of enquiry, the student will find it useful to remember, it is a major error of the intellect to attempt to oppose prejudices based on a priori arguments to the evidence afforded by facts. The final test of a theory is that it should work satisfactorily in practice. This is the test by which astrological theory should be judged.
No science or art is mere interesting, instructive and useful to mankind in contributing to his moral and material advancements than the sublime science of astrology. This is the most ancient of all sciences and had reached considerable perfection in India thousands of years ago.
While the modern scientists acknowledge astronomy, they sneer at astrology and reject it with supreme contempt charging it with the profligacy and dogmatism of charlatanry and superstition. They preach frankness and research as fair and reasonable; but show the greatest bigotry, when the subject of astrology is taken up or introduced.
Astrology is the science which comprises the foretelling of the regular movements of the planets, the fortunes and misfortunes of men, fates of empires and kingdoms, inundations, earthquakes, plagues, volcanic eruptions, pestilences, and other incidents relating to terrestrial phenomena. It is called Hora Sastra in Sanskrit meaning the science that treats of Time. It is also called Jyotisha or the Knowledge of Light, from Jyoti or Light which is the root-cause for fall known creation. According to the Western interpretations, Astrology is derived from Aster—a star, and Logos—reason or logic.
No sane brain could ever deny the influences of planets upon man and how they affect, deter and facilitate his future career on the three planes of human existence, viz., physical characteristics, mental peculiarities and spiritual aspirations.
That a certain ethereal power, derived from nature, pervades the entire universe and the earth we inhabit is also subject to this mysterious and subtle power is evident to all. The various elements encompassing all matter, are altered by the motions of this ethereal power. The acts of creation (srishti), protection (sthithi) and destruction (laya) are embedded in the womb of the All Powerful Time and these variations are brought about as a consequence of this ethereal power. The Sun by his daily movements and the change of seasons brings to perfection and embryo in plants and animals and brings about various changes on the earth. The Moon being nearest to the earth exercises much influence on it and as she wanes and waxes, rivers swell, the tides of the sea are ruled and the plants and animals affected.
The Sun as the central figure predominates over the entire arrangement of the celestial system and the other plants and stars are directed by his rays.
Thus it invariably follows, that all bodies in nature, whether animate or inanimate, are subject to the motions of the celestial bodies. Not only those that are already in existence are influenced by the movements and configurations of planets; but also the impregnations and growth and developments of the seeds from which all bodies emanate are moulded by the quantity and quality of these influences at the time of the impregnation.
Astrology must not be confused with fatalism, witchcraft; palmistry and card-shuffling. It interprets what it conceives to be the future of man as moulded by his previous Karma and indicated by the planetary positions at the time of birth.
The greatest men of the world believed in and practiced astrology. Dante declared it to be “the highest, the noblest and without defect”. Kepler, Bacon, Pythogoras and Democrats were masters in astrology. The ancient Hebrews called the astrologer Asphe meaning “the mouthpiece of the star”. It is recorded that Newton was attracted to the study of Mathematics and Astronomy by the contemplation of an astrological figure of the heavens.
When one has acquired a thorough knowledge of the everlasting and ever-changing influences of the stars, he will be able to prognosticate correctly the mental and physical qualities of any man and the fortunes and misfortunes that await him and his progress in the world, whose actual moment of birth is accurately known.
By thus knowing the future correctly, man can so create an environment that, he can cope with the adverse periods of his life and alleviate the evils, indicated by the planets to a great extent. The human will is limitless in its potentiality and the trivial mind, unable to appreciate its intrinsic capacity is unhappily deprived of its elevation to a higher plane of existence. “Fools obey planets while wise men control them.”

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